Quotes From "The Ten Commandments: Still The Best Moral Code" By Dennis Prager

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychiatry and an atheist, theorized...
Sigmund Freud, the father of psychiatry and an atheist, theorized that one’s attitude toward one’s father largely shaped one’s attitude toward God. Dennis Prager
Any moral system that is detached from God, no matter how noble and sincerely held, will likewise fail. Dennis Prager
We live in a world filled with evil and moral confusion. There is only one way out: affirmation of a God Whose primary demand of us is that we treat our fellow human beings decently. Faith in any god who makes any other primary demand will ultimately fail to solve the problem of evil. And any moral system that is detached from God, no matter how noble and sincerely held, will likewise fail Dennis Prager
Without God, right and wrong are just personal beliefs. Personal...
Without God, right and wrong are just personal beliefs. Personal opinions. I think shoplifting is okay, you don’t. Dennis Prager
Unless there is a God, all morality is just opinion...
Unless there is a God, all morality is just opinion and belief. And virtually every atheist philosopher has acknowledged this. Dennis Prager
Another problem with the view that you don’t need God to believe that murder is wrong is that a lot of people haven’t shared your view. And you don’t have to go back very far in history to prove this. In the twentieth century millions of people in Communist societies and under Nazism killed about one hundred million people–and that doesn’t count a single soldier killed in war. So, don’t get too confident about people’s ability to figure out right from wrong without a Higher Authority. . Dennis Prager